About BIPOC Sangha

Monday, October 23

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The Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Sangha is a bi-weekly gathering of self-identified BIPOC practitioners who meditate together and explore the teachings of the Buddha in the light of personal experience. Each bi-weekly session offers a short talk, guided meditation, and/or a silent sit for 30 - 40 minutes. Some gatherings add a 10 - 15 minute question and response period to help support the practice.

While we understand that many non-BIPOC people may be interested in participating, we ask that they refrain from joining this program which is specifically offered to provide shelter and respite to our BIPOC community.

This program will be recorded and made available for on-demand viewing after the live sessions. On-demand videos will be available to registered participants for 90 days.

Meet Your Teacher

Victoria Cary

Victoria Cary is a Dhamma teacher and leader who co-founded the San Francisco Black Indigenous People of Color Insight Sangha and continues as one of its core teachers. She loves the Dhamma and is interested in supporting people in their practice by focusing on integrating Dhamma into everyday life. Her identity as a queer, bi-racial black woman informs her approach to teaching the Dhamma; she seeks to support a kind internal and external investigation of our complex human experience. She has been practicing and studying Insight meditation since 2006, most recently sitting numerous retreats in the Mahasi/U Pandita lineage with Venerable Sayalay Daw Bhaddamanika, and Venerable Sayadaw U Vivekananda, including 3-month silent retreats at Insight Meditation Society and in Nepal. Her practice has also been informed by volunteering for 3 years with Zen Hospice and exploring how developing a relationship with impermanence and death can bring us more fully alive. She completed Community Dharma Leader training in 2016 and was authorized to teach in 2020 from Spirit Rock and currently teaches retreats, groups and mentor’s students.