About this Program

This program was recorded live on January 11, 2024.

Welcome friends.

Five sanghas from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta have come together to create this special lineage story series. Read more about us. And, we are delighted to be partnering with IMS Online to bring this to the wider sangha. We offer a warm prairie welcome to all practitioners!

Our vision is to have our teachers share stories about their teachers, to honour our gratitude to the Asian roots of the practice; to give a sense of these teachings being handed down, generation to generation; and to give current practitioners a sense of carrying this precious gift forward.

Our collective practice is primarily rooted in the Burmese and Thai Forest lineages through Mahasi Sayadaw and Ajahn Mun, and, is also influenced by many other traditions. We will build a virtual lineage image as we go along, to create a visual sense of our practice and its roots.

Meet Your Teachers

Rebecca Bradshaw

Rebecca Bradshaw, senior teacher and Guiding Teacher Emeritus of the Insight Meditation Society, has been practicing Vipassana meditation since 1983 in the United States and Myanmar and teaching since 1993. At IMS she is part of the three month retreat teacher team, and leads retreats for young adults. She also teaches at other locations in the United States and abroad, including Spanish language retreats. Rebecca teaches a body centered approach to meditation, supplemented with large doses of loving kindness. She has a master's degree in Counseling Psychology and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC). Rebecca‘s upcoming book Down to Earth Dharma: Insight Meditation from the Heart will be published by Shambhala Publications in the fall of 2024. For more information, please see her webpage at www.rebeccabradshaw.org.

Devon Hase

Devon Hase began meditation training in 2000. She has practiced intensively in the Insight and Vajrayana traditions and currently teaches at the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, and other centers. Along with her life partner nico, she is the co-author of How Not to Be a Hot Mess: A Survival Guide for Modern Life. For more info visit www.devonandnicohase.com

Jessica Morey

Jessica Morey is a meditation teacher and coach who has been practicing meditation for over three decades. She began practicing meditation at age 14 on teen retreats offered by IMS. She is a graduate of the IMS 2017-2021 Teacher Training Program. She studied engineering and worked in clean energy finance before founding Inward Bound Mindfulness Education, a nonprofit organization bringing in-depth mindfulness and compassion training to youth. Jessica brings a sense of playfulness and care to her teaching and is focused on how we can bring our meditation practice off the cushion and into our relationships and our work. Contemplative practice has been central to her life and work–whether focused on clean energy and climate policy or growing an international youth mindfulness organization.