About this special On-Demand event

This program was recorded live from March 7 - March 20, 2022. 

Even as a parent protects with their life

Their child, their only child,

So, with a boundless heart

Should one cherish all living beings!

Radiating kindness over the entire world...

Freed from hatred and ill-will.

This is what should be done

By those who are skilled in goodness.

- From The Metta Sutta (The Buddha's Words on Lovingkindness)

At times it seems like goodness may be getting harder and harder to find. In this moment, all around the globe—from Ukraine to Ethiopia, Afghanistan to Myanmar, as well as in the fractured United States—the prevalent expressions of grasping, hatred, and delusion can feel overwhelming. Yet the cultivation of our essential goodness is something we can all prioritize and elevate. As the Buddha taught, it is an eternal law that hatred can never cease by hatred—hatred can only cease by love. 

Join us as we practice lovingkindness together as a way to explore compassion, the power of love, joy in the happiness of others, and balance of mind experienced as equanimity. This practice is not a replacement for other actions we undertake as we try to make this a better world; it's an affirmation of the forces that strengthen and empower us to keep doing whatever we can in the face of challenge and adversity.

Guided metta meditations were led by: Sharon Salzberg, Winnie Nazarko, Guy Armstrong, Trudy Goodman, Tara Mulay, Alexis Santos, and Jack Kornfield.