Sunday, December 5, 2021

9:00 am - 12:45 pm ET

check local time here

Registration is closed for this program.

Craving comes in many forms—including desire, aversion, and expectation—and presents us with a false promise of satisfaction that it can never truly deliver.  

Mindfulness allows us to counteract our cravings because it changes the way we relate to a craving when it first arises. Through mindful awareness, we begin to see that we can simply "be with" strong impulses without needing to act on them. From a place of internal empowerment, we can become more skillful in our relationship with old habits and offer ourselves true freedom of choice when it comes to difficult urges. 

This December, join IMS Teacher Walt Opie for an exploration of craving, and discover the path that leads away from suffering, and moves us closer to freedom.

 This Mini Retreat includes guided meditations, dharma talks, and time for sharing and discussion. 

All are welcome. This program is offered live and will not be recorded.

About the Teacher

Walt Opie

Walt Opie (he/him) is a dharma teacher in the insight meditation tradition who has been in recovery for over three decades. He was first introduced to insight meditation in 1993 and began sitting regular residential retreats in 2005. Currently, his most influential teachers include Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Bhikkhu Analayo, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, Guy Armstrong, and Gil Fronsdal. Walt is a graduate of the recent IMS Teacher Training Program, as well as Spirit Rock’s Community Dharma Leaders program. He has led sitting groups for people in recovery and served as a volunteer teacher in several California prisons for many years. He teaches around the U.S. at centers including Sacramento Insight Meditation, Cambridge Insight Meditation Center, New York Insight Meditation Center, Spirit Rock, and Insight Meditation Society. His website is